Corrected issue where trial countdown was showing up after activation key was entered OR user is logged in with provisioned credentials.Improved performance of scratch (temporary files) and thumbnails.Fixed black screen issue with some PDFs.Added markup history symbols for images and notes.Fixed issue with line and arrow vanishing when in select mode and another tool was engaged.Corrected issue where bookmarks with same name navigated to same destination in document.Corrected issue where space bar changes page when in bookmark and search.

Corrections to address crashes when rotating all pages on large documents.Removed social logins from the app Bug Fixes.Removed clear unsaved option for clearing annotations.Group selection marquee around ink strokes improved.All support is now in the Drawboard User Hub, and this section links to this webpage Support and Feedback and Tutorials buttons merged to App Options as ‘Help’.

Document Annotations options include toggle switch for Show Annotations.Document View and Layout options include toggle switches for Night and Continuous Modes.Single-page page manipulation and annotation tools for single pages now in ‘…’ icon next to individual pages in pages panel.Bonus: Radial Menu now bounces better around your screen!.Font size in text box reflects font size in text box editor.App resume now returns zoom level to previous state.Sending user to UserVoice when navigating to help.Added ability to load complex pdfs on startup.Added document count at top of tabs panel.Set progressive rendering to off by default.Custom page number now brings up on-screen number pad instead of keyboard.Added relative zooming – zoom level is now relative to size of the page being viewed.Changed default side of favourites to right.Line select with right pen button changed to rectangle select.Added CTRL-G as a shortcut to Goto page Improvements.Processing message added to inform user when application is busy.Document File Info shows quick-view file information.Before closing, prompt is given to save changes ‘x’ button on each tab turns green when changes are yet to be saved.All menu items now in left-hand-side (LHS) menu.User can now select number of actions kept in memory for undo (App Options > Annotations).Visual feedback when document has unsaved changes.New UI design for workspace page including hamburger style menu, which can be hidden for unobstructed viewing (tap the menu icon).Added recent files and quick-access save buttons to main menu.Pressure Sensitive Inking and Audio Inserts are now included as standard Premium Features’ has been deprecated.Added ability to turn off annotation selection.Added warning for too many open files / Removed 5 file limitation.